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New Public Scientific Portal for:

Paleolithic & Neolithic Rock Art

Cave Paintings & Rock Engravings


This portal was started in 2015 and we invite articles from everyone on paleolithic & neolithic subjects. 

We offer a fascinating list of informative articles with astonishing photos of many archaeological sites in Europe, Africa, Arabia, Asia and the Americas. 

The articles are focused on pre-historic "rock art" engravings and cave paintings.  


For information on other interesting ancient cultures please refer to: www.ancient-cultures.info


Alle deutschen Artikel finden sie nun auf unserer neuen Webseite




Articles published in 2023

+ First Lunar Calendar? + Tanum Complex + Pedra do Inga + Nazca Lines

Articles published in 2024

+ Altamira revised + Monte Castillo + Cullavera, Covalanes, El Pendo + Tito Bustillo, El Pindal + Ekain